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International Level Competitions Agreement

Congratulations on being selected for the Angels Gymnastics RG &AGG International level gymnasts  !

This agreement details the stipulations for your respective competition season. Note that upon signing

the agreement ,you give your daughter the participation in an international competitions.

Please read and sign the agreement and confirm by with below link.

Gym Regards,

Angel Ebru Ilgaz.

Angels Gymnastics Club ,RG&AGG&GFA

Director and Head Coach.

At Angels Gymnastics these codes are taken seriously to insure a safe, professional and nurturing
environment to all our gymnasts.
Parents are required to adhere to these codes in the best interest of their child. Angels Gymnastics Competitive Program Director ,Manager or coach will take the time to speak to parents regarding any arising issues. However, please
note that you may or may not receive warning prior to any action being taken in response to failure
to abide by the above code of conduct rules. Failure to comply with the above conditions may result
in your child/gymnast being removed from the competition and future selection.
The Parents Code of Conduct has been written in the best interest of gymnasts, parents, coaches
and to continuously improve the environment and services provided by Angels Gymnastics.

Preferred International Competitions (Make your selection below):

Thanks for submitting! We have received your International Competition Agreement.

Subscribe Form

Thanks for submitting!

Monday          4:15–8:15 PM
Tuesday         4:15–8:15 PM
Wednesday    4:15–7:15 PM
Thursday       4:15–8:15 PM
Friday             2:15–4:15 PM
Saturday       10 AM–4 PM
Sunday          Closed

052 350 4095

©2024 by Angels Gymnastics Dubai #DuGym

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We proudly follow British Curriculum that are FIG and IFAGG accredited

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