Gymnastics For All
اكتشف نفسك الداخلية مع DuGym Gymnastics For ALL!
البرنامج مفتوح للجميع، وتتراوح الفصول من سن 8 سنوات حتى البالغين. هذه الفصول مخصصة لأولئك الذين يرغبون في الحفاظ على لياقتهم من خلال تدريبات الجمباز بزاوية 360 درجة (الرقص، والبيلاتس، والتمدد، والتعامل مع الأجهزة ، والباليه).
هل ترغب في أن تكون قويًا ومرنًا... من قوة أساسية إلى استرخاء ذهني لا مثيل له... إذا كان الأمر كذلك، فهناك لاعب جمباز بداخلك!
الجمباز بالقرب منك
Angels Gymnastics For ALL, was created with a vision to have everyone trained professional to be the best version of themselves.
All coaches in the Angels family are highly qualified and long experienced ladies who are eager and able to help you and your loved ones to become the very best gymnasts they can be.
What are the benefits from joining Angels Gymnastics For All?
Inclusive Sport: Gymnastics for All welcomes individuals of all ages, gymnastic abilities, and training backgrounds, promoting inclusivity and diversity within the sport.
Fundamental Skills: Participants develop fundamental gymnastics skills such as balance, coordination, strength, and flexibility, laying a solid foundation for athletic development.
Social Engagement: Through group activities and teamwork, gymnasts also build friendships, communication skills, and a sense of camaraderie within a the sporting community.
Physical Fitness: Engaging in Gymnastics for All improves overall fitness levels, promoting cardiovascular health, muscle strength, endurance, and agility.
Personal Growth: The program fosters personal growth and self-confidence as participants set and achieve goals, overcome challenges, and experience the joy of mastering new skills in a positive and encouraging environment.