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Dubai International Competition
Below expenses are approximate amounts.
The final details will be sent after the 1 st registration deadline according to your decision and number of gymnasts.
Competition expenses
1-Coaches expense;
1-Hall transfer appx 200-250 Aed per coach
2-Food Allowance (lunch +dinner) 150 x3 days =450Aed per coach
3-Coaching Fee 1.250 x3days (3 days ) =3.250Aed per coach
4-Organizing Committee Gifts from UAE x2 people =250 Aed. Coaches expense appx TOTAL: 4.450 Aed per coach . will divide the amount according to gymnasts number .
Min. 1 coach and 1 judge Compulsory !
11gymnasts and over 2 coaches and 1 judge! 20 gymnasts and over 3coaches and 1 judge !
2-Gymnasts expense;
1-Registration fee: Individual 500Aed (RGGroup registration fee ;club will cover)
2- Food Allowance ;There will be no Organizer lunch-dinner .Gymnasts will eat with their parents according to their competition schedule.
3- Hall transportation by parents. Please make sure your child has travel insurance included health in case of any emergency.
Gymnasts expense TOTAL: 500Aed
3- ADDITIONAL COST :Please note that If any additional or less cost (based on receipts) during trip (snack, city tour ,extra
transportation ,museum-park ticket ....) ,Angels club will pay the cost from deposits. It will be shared or refund by
gymnasts end of the trip according to Final expenses.
Additional Cost TOTAL :
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